Monday, June 23, 2014

The view from the tepee


  1. Dinner - and you don't even have to chase it!

    1. But you would have to skin it, cut it up, and cook it.

      In Bernard De Voto's book, "Across the Wide Missouri" there is a classic chapter describing how highly the mountain men regarded buffalo meat, and how, after a long sojourn in the Rocky Mountains, they would debouch onto the great plains, shoot the first bison the could find, and literally sit and feast for days on it. There was a technique of shooting it just right so it would sit down on all fours and die, making it easy to cut up and cook it bit by bit.

    2. Now I have to go read "Across the Wide Missouri". Enjoying your remarks, and who knows when that knowledge might come in handy...

    3. Exactly so. We should probably learn to smoke meat well, just in case.

  2. I expected to see an arrow zing through the aperture take down the beast. (though in practice it usually took many arrows)

    Which is the problem because the buffalo gun could do it with one shot from 100 meters.
